Dinesh Trivedi, a former Railway Minister and top West Bengal BJP leader, slammed Mamata Banerjee for her "Dal mein kuch kaala hai" comment on the Odisha train accident and said that "Mamata Banerjee is a very senior leader and Chief Minister of West Bengal, and such a statement was not expected from her."
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had earlier on Sunday slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Central government over the Odisha train accident, stating that "Dal mein kuch kaala hai', we want the truth to come out".
A train accident in Odisha's Balasore on Friday claimed the lives of 275 people and injured over 1,000. The accident is being described as one of the worst in the country.
He advised Mamata Banerjee not to politicize the Odisha train accident and asked her to refrain from "doing politics on the funeral pyre of the people killed in the accident."
"When it comes to the security of the country, such matters should not be politicized. There will be many issues and time to do politics. Therefore, doing politics on the funeral pyre of the people killed in the accident does not suit her," said Trivedi.
"Railway officials have accepted that the Balasore accident is prima facie pointing towards a criminal incident, and they have investigated why and how the incident happened," Trivedi added.
Describing the Odisha-Balasore train accident as the product of a large conspiracy and stating that only the railway and CBI investigations will reveal the plot.
Trivedi said that "the target of the conspirators was to kill passengers on a large scale, but due to the joint efforts of the Odisha government, railways, and disaster management, a large number of people could be saved."
Showing his concern about the Balasore accident, former Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi said that a huge conspiracy is being hatched against the country. The aim of the conspirators is only to harm the people of the country.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
from NDTV News-India-news https://ift.tt/JTlieSc
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